Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Trivial of Animals

- His colours are white and grey. Is a small fish that live in the sea, we eat in the restaurant and is a typic food of " La Costa del Sol ".

- Her colors are depending on their race. Many have her pet, and its size evolves from more small to more big. He said " MIAU".

- Her colours are depending on the race. Many have her pet, and its size evolves from more small to more big. He said " GUAU".
- Her colour is red with points black. Her size is very small. Has six legs.

- They can be of colours: Brown, white or black. Its size is large. It has four legs and has a very hairy and black tail.

- Her colour is black. Has two ants, has six legs and her size is very very very small, but are very strong because they can six times with the same weight.

- Her colours can be: white or grey. Its size is small, with very long teeth. They eat carrot and it is the pet of many people.

- Her colours is grey, her size is small. They has very long teeth, and they eat cheeses, and live in small holes.

- Her colours are, blue and green. They have a tail that seems a very large range when it opens. They have a peak and its size is normal.

- Her colour are green and yellow. Her size is small. They live in the river. They said " CROACK ", They have a very long tongue, and with her eat flies.
                                           MARIO VALIENTE VALIENTE 2º A

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